The jewel in our lakes
Nos O’Sullivan Lake Lodge is famous for the preponderance of Walleye in its lakes.
O'Sullivan actually holds the North American record for the largest catch-and-release walleye
of 36 inches.
Walleye is greatly appreciated by fish lovers for the quality of its tasty, delicate flesh. The average length of our walleye is 15 to 22 inches.
Walleye tend to swim in schools near sandbars and cut-offs. The preferred fishing techniques include casting or trolling with baited jigs, using still bottom bouncers and sinking hardbait lures. Our fish house is available to help you get your trophy ready.

Fishing at its best!
Lake trout tend to be bottom dwellers that prefer cooler waters. They are good fighters
with endurance.
At O'Sullivan Lake Lodge, anglers land magnificent catches, averaging 4 to 5 pounds and with
the largest weighing in at 20 to 25 pounds!
Although lures may vary depending on whether you’re fishing in spring or summer, the result will always be the same: total satisfaction with “munificence of fish”!
When you get back with your day’s catch, you can use our fish house to skin and fillet your fish.

Experience nature at its best!
Located in the Outaouais region, north of the La Vérendrye provincial park, O’Sullivan Lake Lodge is the perfect spot for your next nature vacation.
Discover 95 square miles of exclusive territory with its numerous lakes, forests and rivers brimming with fish and wildlife. Over the years, our Lodge outfitting operation has made a name for itself for its record catches of trout, walleye and northern pike.
Hunting enthusiasts will marvel at the number of moose, bear and small game that thrive
in our territory.
Families are more than welcome; all family members will enjoy a host of great outdoor activities.
Our enchanting site, extending into a magnificent sandy point, awaits young and old.
Any way you look at it, O’Sullivan Lake Lodge is a winning destination for vacationing in the great outdoors and experiencing nature at its best!